I had what I believe to be an ingenious idea the other day: to make a pb&j cupcake. I have personally never seen it done before and so I whipped up this baby. And I have to say that I'm really (and I mean really) excited about it.
I made a vanilla peanut butter batter for the cupcakes. If you're wondering what heaven smells like, it's vanilla peanut butter cake baking. I promise. Then I filled each cupcake with raspberry jam, iced them with a swirled peanut butter/raspberry frosting, and topped each with chopped salted peanuts. It's the perfect mix of salty and sweet, and it's the only thing better than a pb&j.
If you would like to order these cupcakes, please contact me at susangietl@hotmail.com. Minimum quantity is one dozen. Pricing information will be coming soon to the blog.
Special thanks to Mr. Murphy Randle for turning my little Suzy Sweet Tooth sketch into the cute new logo! It looks great!